
Rabu, 21 Mei 2014


sebuah perjalanan telah aku lewati
bersama tangan yang lain
tangan yang menopangku kala terjatuh
tangan yang penuh kasih sayang

jalan yang kukira panjang ternyata singkat
dan kini aku telah sampai di akhir

haruskah kembali ke awal
agar tak bersedih hadapi perpisahan

bunga yang kau tanam begitu dalam
hingga rasa sayang tumbuh
bersama kenangan yang kau siram
tak kan terlupakan

ingatkah kamu tempat ini?
tempat kita berbagi banyak hal
kutitipkan senyum dan air mata disini
lalu apakah kita kan tetap bertemu

maaf dan terima kasih
telah bersamaku disini
menjadi bagian hidupku
mekar dan layu bersama

bodoh bila aku pernah melukaimu
jika kuingat kau slalu buat ku tersenyum

aku pergi bukan untuk meninggalkan
aku pergi bukan untuk melepaskan
bahkan tiada kata yang tepat

seperti daun yang tumbuh
lalu layu bersama waktu

itulah awal dan akhir
dongeng jelang perpisahan

tak ada waktu yang tepat untuk berpisah

by Amanda Partria 

(Sebuah puisi manis diujung periode angkatan 12 UKM Pendidikan dan Penalaran 2013-2014)

Selamat Ulang Tahun yang ke-14 UKM Pendidikan dan Penalaran. Tempat bernaung selama 2 tahun. Semoga makin sukses dan makin dikenal dikalangan masyarakat . Salam LOGIZ!!! dari angkatan 12 (rolas dulur sak modare)

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

Silly Pose

Thanks God It Saturday! Do nothing at home only open my gadget than scroll scroll scroll and tadaaa found the silly pose when I was at Republic Polytechnic, Singapore. After class, me and my silly friend Mika went to in front building. You can look at my picture. Is it beautiful? And look at my pose, is it cool? Trying to pose as silat athletes haha


Kamis, 08 Mei 2014


It was the moment awaited by all participants TF-Scale, a visit to UNIVERSAL STUDIO SINGAPORE with free tickets haha and now it was my dream come true. Alhamdulillaaaaaah . Can't say anything here, just post some pictures related with USS 

How lucky I am. Got free ticket!

mainstream but it's a must! haha

Sesame street but didn't enter

The most amazing vehicle I ever ride, Transformer!

4D - Shrek Castle. BEST!

Just posed

You really short anyway

Fortunately, my nose doesn't grow long when lying like ponikio :P

Suddenly met my twins at USS (Marilyn Monroe) hihi

In the queue waiting for enter the cinema 4D

Soul Mate will meet like me and him :P

Just posed look like the real traveller when they are taking picture

Just posed again

The most delicious caramel pop corn in USS. You must try even some people said that it too sweet

I think enough, enjoy!

Big Family of TF-Scale 2014

Finally! I just finished my best experience for student exchange at Republic Polytechnic of Singapore. It always great to flashback and think about what would we do at there. I spent 26 days at Singapore to join scholarship program by TF-Scale. TF-Scale is a student exchange program funded by the Temasek Foundation. Not only Indonesian students, but there are students from Cambodia who joined the program but different majors. Wanna see Cambodian face? 

My Indonesian and Cambodian friends posed in front RP

At that time I only knew a few Cambodian students. In my opinion, they have unique name and really hard spelling their name in Indonesian tongue. But it all that makes this program so exciting and very interesting. We have to know the culture of the countries in Southeast Asia because of we are ASEAN family.

Did you know that we wear shirts in the photo above? That is the slogan of the TF-Scale program that is not only concerned with the development of technology, but we also think about the social issues around us. "THINK SOCIAL ACT GLOBAL" yeah that's our slogan for 26 days there and we proud of it.

Think Global Act Social

Over there, sometimes we separated by our departement and sometimes we joined in the same event it depend on our schedule. Indonesian students which studied in Informatics joined with SOI (School of Infocomm) students. All SOI are students at RP and not all are Singaporean some students come from Indonesia (espesially Batam), Malaysia, Brunei. They are very kind to us. They have helped, guided, accompany us over in Singapore. Thank you for that guys! :)

Republic Polytechnic - Politeknik Negeri Malang - Politeknik Caltex Riau

That's what I want to share to you guys. I hope you enjoy!
